Assertiveness Series Part 1: The Buffalo

Kelly Wendorf
2 min readAug 14, 2024


Welcome to my Assertiveness for Life and Leadership Series, a seven part series that highlights the topics of assertiveness, caretaking, boundaries and over-functioning. Here I share a personal anecdote, along with tips and additional resources on the topic.

We begin with introducing our assertiveness totem, the buffalo.

The venerable buffalo is our animal guide and inspiration for Assertiveness for Life and Leadership. The buffalo is what is known as a “keystone species”, meaning that they have a disproportionately large and positive effect on their environment relative to their abundance. Keystone species play a critical role in maintaining the wellbeing of an entire ecology.

A little known truth about buffalo is that they turn, face and run towards the storm. Thus, they are able to get through it more quickly, and minimize their exposure to the most dangerous parts.

How would things be different for you if you turned and faced your own storms head on?

What if, instead of avoiding the winds and rains, you walked right into them, trusting you had the skills necessary to prevail?

Buffalo’s positive influence over their environment, and their ability to face challenges inspires us to be the keystone species inside our environments — personal and professional. When we act from a place of skillful self-agency and healthy self-entitlement, we become a positive influence over many others in our orbit. We effect positive change.

When we turn and face the storms, we become more courageous and robust.

Why learn about Assertiveness?

In the complexity of today’s world, the art of assertive communication stands as a pillar for those seeking to foster healthy relationships, lead with compassion, and live authentically. Despite its importance, many find themselves lost, uncertain of how to assert themselves without tipping the balance towards aggression or passivity.

Looking for more? Learn about my Assertiveness for Life and Leadership Course.



Kelly Wendorf

Founder of, author, master coach, horsewoman. I create conditions for transformational change and the actualization of meaningful lives.